I am working in a home right now where we are making lots of changes! So many things that I haven't photographed but one big thing that has been happening is a new nursery for a sweet baby boy that will arrive in the next 2 months!
The homeowners knew someone who makes custom baby bedding. I sew but that seems like a LOT of work so I was thrilled they had someone who could design and complete this! I looked at fabric samples for them, gave my opinion (not only as a decorator but as a Mommy!), helped with accessories and they worked with the bedding designer. She did an amazing job! Here is the crib-
My client asked that she make a window treatment which is not something she normally does. There is one window and it is in the center of the main wall, so quite a focal point. She agreed to make one and described a balloon valance and made it and went above and beyond to complete the room for them. It was a great balloon valance but the homeowners just weren't so sure they loved it. This type of treatment is great in a bathroom or in a room where there are several windows that are higher off the ground with furniture under them. But one window that is the first thing you see when you walk into the room needs to be a focal point, not an accent. The husband knew it wasn't right but wasn't sure what he thought it should be and the wife liked it until he didn't but then also didn't know what to do so they asked that I 'figure it out'! My professional window treatment diagnosis?
Whimpy. Yup, that was my answer. Not sure why that was my only word but once I said it, they both were like, yes, it's just to
whimpy! This room is gorgeous and it needed a bit more "
umph" to live up to the amazing bedding that she made! Remember, she doesn't make window treatments and did this as a bonus! She did a great job! We could have started from scratch but we decided to highlight her amazing bedding and build on what she started by altering her design to create the focal point it deserved! So, here is the before:

And here is the after:

We found gorgeous trim to add to the bottom. I used the ties that she had used and trimmed the edges. The treatment wasn't much wider than the window and I didn't love seeing the brackets on the rod so the trim helped fix those issues as well. I hand stitched the pleating as the fabric wasn't long enough to function as a true shade anyway and think it turned out great!
Here is the lamp I found for the room! It was $48 but it was wobbly so it was on clearance for $10! So I bought it, spent a whopping 25 seconds tightening one bolt on the bottom and then used my hot glue gun to add the trim. Quite the gorgeous lamp isn't it?

Here is the expectant Daddy seeing the bedding for the first time!

Now all they need is a cute baby!