I do, catalogs are wonderful! What are my favorites? Anything scrapbooking, Ballard Design, Oreintal Trading (but only if I have a party coming up soon!), Frontgate, Company Kids and J. Jill. But I don't want to see them cluttering my home! We all get the same Pottery Barn and Oriental Trading catalog that is easy to throw away but what about the ones that you don't receive all the time? The collection that you love and you found a complete catalog in a boutique, Tastefully Simple or Southern Living at Home that you received at a recent party, or the scrapbooking catalog that you probably won't order out of but it is great inspiration so you don't want to toss it! They need a home! They could be in a specific drawer or in a labeled magazine bin. In my home, they are in a magazine bin by my back door. The hook holds our random keys that don't need to be on my daily key ring, the left clip gets used for things like bank deposits, mail to put in the box or things I need to put in my wallet and the right clip gets gift certificates that I need to use! If they are lost in a drawer, I will never use them!
I also have a magazine bin section for many other books/catalogs I want to hold onto. Kids yearbooks, old scrapbooking magazines I want for inspiration, old school pictures and other resources that I need access to but don't want in my way. You can buy expensive magazine bins but I prefer to get the ones that are sold for just a few dollars for a set and are literally cardboard that you put together and then decorate away!!! Here is a picture of mine. I bought these at Ikea and they were quite affordable! I love the finger hole because they are high up on a shelf but I can still easily grab one when I need something. These bins should be used when you are sorting your mail. For example, you receive a great scrapbook catalog that you want to hold onto for future reference, don't set it on the counter, put it in its bin!
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